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Guidance notes and rules of entry 2024 Kent Law Society Awards

Celebrating excellence
Kent Law Society Awards will be announced at the annual dinner on 10th May 2024 at the Mercure Great Danes Hotel, Hollingbourne, near Maidstone. 

Award Categories 

Outstanding achievement/lifetime achievement
Nominees for this award must be members of KLS

To be awarded to an individual who has demonstrated an exceptional contribution to legal practice, within Kent, during their legal career. Nominees should have provided a special contribution to the legal profession within Kent for a considerable period of time or for an achievement that would be seen as outstanding, making a big impact on their firm/client/local legal community.

Simon Franklin (centre) the 2023 winner

Pro Bono Award
Nominees for this category are welcome from KLS members and non-members. This award is open to anyone from the legal community within Kent.

To be awarded to the individual in recognition of pro bono work within Kent. This could include, but is not limited to: pro-bono advice and assistance, acting as Trustee and projects for the local community. This should be work carried out within the last three years up until 15 March 2024.

Marc Goddard (left) accepted the trophy in 2023 on behald of winner Stuart Snow

Junior Lawyer Award
Nominees for this award must be members of KLS.

To be awarded to a trainee (including apprentices) or solicitor, legal executive or paralegal/legal assistant with up to 5 years PQE as at the closing date for applications, being the 15 March 2024. Nominees should be able to evidence that they can show exceptional endeavour in their work and/or those who have made a significant contribution to their firm, their office, their clients and/or their local or legal community in the early part of their career.

Sophie Wallace (left) the 2023 winner 

Legal Hero Award
This award is open to applications for both KLS members and non-members. It is open to anyone from the legal community within Kent.
Nominees should show they have gone above and beyond in their work or a project, for the benefit of the legal community and/or clients and/or their firm. Nominees should be able to evidence that what they have done is exceptional or different and something that is over and above their normal work. This is an opportunity for recognition for those who go out of their way to help and may not normally receive recognition.

Keeley Lengthorn (Left) the 2023 winner

NB. A Special Award in the discretion of the incoming President of the Kent Law Society may also be awarded.

Guidance for Applicants

Please include in your application the reasons for which the nominee should be considered for the relevant award. This can include:
* Client care, case handling, a particular project or research, an initiative or any activity that goes above and beyond what one would usually expect within or relating to the working environment.
*Evidence which demonstrates that the activities of the nominee have had some beneficial impact or made a positive difference within the legal profession or public service or the community in Kent will be an important consideration.
*The judges will consider all relevant information submitted. In particular the judges will be looking for evidence of excellence which may include: innovation; creativity; exceptional conduct, dedication or commitment; determination and drive; highest professional standards; outstanding contribution or enhanced reputation to the profession and/or the wider community; the Kent Law Society and/or ground-breaking or headlining work/case/project.
Evidence may relate to activities carried out over a longer period than the three years to 15 March 2024, provided that such activities have yielded a result during that period.

Submissions must be sent by email to and should include a digital photo of the applicant (head and shoulders) which Kent Law Society may use in its awards

The Judging Panel

      Elizabeth Howe OBE (Awards co-ordinator
      HHJ Sarah Davies (Circuit Judge and Acting Designated Family Judge for Kent)
      Nick Paterno (Managing Partner: McBrides Chartered Accountants)
      Lizzy Lim (Junior Lawyer Council representative for the Law Society of England and Wales)                                 
      In the event of a tie in voting for the winners, HHJ Davies will hold the deciding vote.

Entry Regulations 

1. Nominees for the 'Junior Lawyer Award' and the 'Outstanding/Lifetime Achievement Award' must be a member or be eligible to be a Member of the Kent Law Society (as defined within the Rules of the Kent Law Society).
2.Nominees for the 'Legal Hero Award and the 'Pro Bono Award' do not have to be members of KLS; they must be currently active in the legal community within Kent.
3. An eligible person may nominate him/herself or may be nominated by another, (provided that person is a Member of the Kent Law Society).
4. Office holders of the Kent Law Society are not eligible to enter the awards.

5. Submissions should relate to activities or initiatives conducted or yielding a result during the course of the three years prior to the closing date for the submission of the awards, being Monday 25 March 2024.
6. The submission also must include the following information:
a) Full name of nominee
b) Where the nominee works
c) E-mail address for the nominee
d) Whether the nominee is aware of the application
e) A photograph of the nominee (which can be used for marketing/publicity purposes)

   7. Submissions should not exceed 800 words covering both role and contribution. 
   8. Applicants are encouraged to attach evidence or testimonials from relevant third parties in support of their         nomination provided such evidence does not exceed 800 words (or one A4 page). The content of any entry may be used for  publicity purposes unless the entrant withholds their consent to this in writing.

  1. The deadline for submitting an entry is Monday 25 March 2024. Nominations submitted after this date will not be considered.
  2. Submissions must be sent by e-mail to and should include a jpeg digital photo of the applicant (head and shoulders) which Kent Law Society may use in its awards publicity. (Please save and send the file as a medium format.)

  11. The KLS will consider all applications submitted prior to the closing date and a shortlist will be produced.

  1. The Judging Panel will convene prior to the awards ceremony on 10 May 2024. The decision of the Judging Panel will final.
  2. The winners will be announced and the awards presented at the Annual Dinner on the evening of Friday 10 May 2024.
  3. No feedback will be provided on submissions.


  1. Applicants will be deemed to have accepted these rules and to have agreed to be bound by them when submitting their application to be considered for the awards.
  2. By submitting a nomination the applicant agrees to be contacted by Kent Law Society in connection with the application and, if successful, the subsequent shortlist.
  3. If a nomination is submitted by a third party applicant on behalf of the nominee, the applicant must state if the nominee is not aware of the nomination.
  4. Applicants and nominees must inform Kent Law Society of any negative media stories relating to the nominee (whether an individual or a firm) that have arisen during the period over which the nominee?s achievements are being considered. Negative publicity does not necessarily mean that your entry will be disallowed; however if it is not disclosed your entry may be invalidated.

The Timetable 
Entries open on 12 February 2024

Entries close 5pm Monday 25 March 2024

Shortlist announced by 5 April 2024

Winners announced on 10 May 2024


Our Partner Sponsors 2024

Temple Legal Protection   McBrides Chartered Accountants   Partners Wealth Management