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Advertising Standard Terms

Kent Law Society - Advertising Standard Terms

1. Application of Standard Terms:

1.1. These terms and conditions ('Standard Terms') govern all requests by the advertiser ('Advertiser') for the placement of advertisements with Kent Law Society (?KLS?) for publication on the KLS Website. These terms may also be applied in respect of the placing of advertising on  KLS Social Media when the same may be  made available to advertisers.

1.2. No request to place advertisements shall be accepted on any terms other than these Standard Terms and any terms or conditions stipulated by the Advertiser shall be void where they are inconsistent with these Standard Terms.

1.3. By submitting copy for an advertisement, the Advertiser agrees unconditionally to be bound by these Standard Terms.

1.4  KLS shall not be deemed to have accepted an request, or become contractually bound to publish, until it has acknowledged to the Advertiser by email that the wording is agreed and that payment has been received in accordance with these Standard Terms, at which point such acceptance shall form a legally binding agreement between the Advertiser and KLS ('Agreement'). A separate Agreement shall arise in respect of each request  which is accepted by KLS.

1.5. If there is an inconsistency between any of the provisions of these Standard Terms and the provisions of the offer, the provisions of these Standard Terms shall prevail.

2. Advertising Copy

2.1 KLS only publishes copy for advertising listings in accordance with its house style ('house style'). The house style as at 1.1.17 is described in the First Schedule to these conditions. KLS reserves the right to amend its house style at any time without notice.

2.2 KLS reserves the right to edit and amend publishing copy to fit the house style, but the advertiser is not contractually committed until it has accepted, by email, any such editing or amendment of the copy.

2.3 KLS will accept reasonable requests for subsequent amendment of copy after publication without further charge, provided that the said amendments do not constitute a new advertisement.

3. Advertising Charges

3.1 Payment must be made in advance. Payment details are set out in the Second Schedule to these conditions.

3.2   The charge for a single Situations Vacant advertisement is £50.00.  For the said sum of £50 the advertiser is entitled to a listing of 100 words including title in the house style, to remain on KLS website for two calendar months from the date of publication.

3.3 Additional vacancies requested at the same time are charged at the rate of £25.00 per additional vacancy, with a listing limit of 75 words.  Likewise an extra 75 words may be purchased in respect of a single advertisement for the sum of £25.00.

3.4 After two months from publication KLS will automatically remove the advertisement without reference to the advertiser.  Should the advertiser require an extention of time, a further two months may be purchased for £25.00, but only if the advertiser requests the same before the end of the original two month term.

3.3. All advertisement rates are subject to immediate revision at any time and requests are accepted on the basis of the price prevailing at the time

3.4 Should the advertiser require the advertisement to be removed before the end of two months, KLS will remove it without charge, but will not be obligated to return any part of the advertising charge on any proportional basis.

4. Advertiser Warranties

4.1. The Advertiser warrants that it is contracting with KLS as principal. The Advertiser further warrants that it has all rights, authority and permissions relating to its copy or material to enter into an agreement with KLS for the publication of the Advertiser's advertisement.

4.2. The Advertiser hereby grants KLS the right to publish the advertisement  as requested in the Advertiser's order subject to any subsequent agreed amendment.

4.3. The Advertiser warrants that the publication or re-production of any advertisement submitted by the Advertiser, by KLS, will not breach any intellectual property rights and or other proprietary rights of any third party.

4.4. The Advertiser shall ensure that all advertising copy and or other content submitted for publication and or broadcast, to KLS  is, legal, decent, honest and truthful

4.5. The Advertiser shall check that its published advertisement is correct and any errors found must immediately be notified to KLS in writing

4.6. The Advertiser shall indemnify KLS and keep KLS indemnified in respect of any loss, liability, claim, proceedings, demands, damage, expense, including legal expenses, incurred by KLS as a result of the Advertiser's breach of these Standard Terms and or any other such appropriate terms implied by law.

5. KLS Rights

KLS shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that all matter appearing in it online publications is subject to copyright. No part may be reproduced, copied, published, or stored by any means whatsoever without the prior written consent of KLS.

6. Data Protection

6.1 By requesting KLS to accept an advertisement for it, the  Advertiser consents to KLS maintaining, recording, holding and using personal data which is collected about it.

6.2. KLS shall be entitled to disclose the name and address and/or other details of Advertisers to the Police, Trading Standards Office, or any other relevant Authority or as otherwise required by law.

7. Confidentiality

No party shall use any other party's confidential information for any purpose other than to perform its obligations under these Standard Terms.

8. Cancellation and Limitation of Liability

8.1 The Advertiser may cancel the advertisement at any time, but will not be entitled to the return of any part of the advertising charge.

8.2 KLS may cancel the advertisement at any time.

8.3 In the event that internet service is interrupted for any reason, preventing the appearance of the advertisement,  the performance of the contract shall be deemed to have been postponed or frustrated, at the sole discretion of KLS. In such circumstances KLS may extend the publication term by an equivalent number of days, or return a portion of the contract charge pro rata as it thinks fit.

8.4 KLS shall not be liable, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, for any loss or damage which is indirect, consequential or economic. KLS's maximum aggregate liability for any loss or damage arising out of or in relation to any advertisement ordered by the Advertiser whether in contract, tort or otherwise shall not exceed the total amount of the charges for the relevant advertisement actually paid by the Advertiser.

8.5 Except as expressly set out in these conditions, all conditions, warranties, terms and undertakings, express or implied, statutory or otherwise in respect of the obligations of KLS (and specifically those relating to satisfactory quality and or fitness for a particular purpose) are excluded to the fullest extent permissible at law.

8.6. KLS shall have no obligation to repeat the publication of any advertisement, or refund or make any adjustment to the charges, where in the reasonable opinion of KLS the error, misprint or omission does not materially detract from the advertisement.

9. Other terms

8.1. No failure or delay by KLS to exercise any right or remedy provided under these Standard Terms or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it preclude or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall preclude or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.

8.2. These Standard Terms constitute the whole agreement between the parties and supersede all previous agreements between the parties relating to the placement of advertisements with KM.

8.3. If a provision or part of any provision of these Standard Terms is found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the provision shall apply with the minimum modification necessary to make it legal, valid and enforceable.

8.4 A person who is not a party to an Agreement arising under these Standard Terms shall not have any rights under or in connection with it.

8.5. These Standard Terms and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.


The KLS House Style for Situations Vacant advertisement listings is as follows.

Title:  <ROLE REQUIRED - LOCATION> Arial font, 14 pt, orange

Text: <NAME OF FIRM> Arial font, 14 pt, black  <BODY OF ADVERTISEMENT> Arial font, 10 pt, black.  Email and/or website links included.



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Account name Kent Law Society

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